Showing posts with label Denver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denver. Show all posts

Saturday, September 13, 2014


For the second year in a row, I attended the TEDMED conference.  TEDMED is a corner of the infinite TED universe specifically focused on innovation in health care. 

Innovation is much too small of a word to describe what TEDMED is.

They try to introduce it on their website ("TEDMED is a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine. Our goal is to seed the innovations of today, making possible the breakthroughs of tomorrow...for a healthier, more vibrant humanity." 

But even this is incomplete.  One must experience it to understand.

To attend, one must go through an application process.  TEDMED is always searching for the proper mix of delegates that will be allow for stimulating networking and friendships to be made.  This year the event was hosted in two cities, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.  I chose the latter.

There were 80 presenters, 2000+ delegates, 80 start up companies from various sectors of health.  This year's theme was "Unlocking Imagination".

240 page conference program

The presentations were thought provoking and expertly delivered in the classic TED style.  If you have ever seen a TED "talk", you know where I am coming from.

They shared how they were improving the design of hospitals to improve both the health of the patients and the communities they serve by leaving no footprint.  One was looking at diseases in different ways - for example, What role does childhood trauma play in all future diseases?

They challenged our paradigms at every turn. For example, legalization and government compensation for the harvesting of organs to reduce black market activity while saving lives.

They inspired us with virtual reality games to reduce pain in patients.  They gave us a glimpse of a new plastic that amorphically changes shape via electric manipulation to be used in cardiac catheterization.

One speaker was collecting voice samples to "donate" to people (kids and adults) who cannot talk - thereby giving them a voice and a personality.

Several bioethicists asked an uncomfortable audience on how messages to the public about drug use should be altered drastically.  One asked, should doctors be totally transparent? While another shared courageously about physician assisted death or discussed the ethics of genome mapping to tell our future propensity to disease.

My favorite speaker was Abraham Vergehese.  He is the author of several books including NY Times bestseller "Cutting For Stone".  I had the opportunity to meet him afterwards and have him sign a book that I read in 1999 titled, "The Tennis Partner".  I told him how important that book was to me and charged me with the impetus to live each day to the fullest.

After sharing life stories for a bit, he signed my book with the last line from the narrative, "...Get the ball back over the net just one more time."  (never give up!).  He gave me a hug and told me that I made his day (how cool!?!?!?!).

Abraham Verghese and I at TEDMED 2014

The "convention floor" is known as the hive.  The hive is always buzzing with activities.  The start up companies are all there on display with things to play with.  Of course, I had to go to the obligatory brainwave activity detector to verify that the old neurons are still sparking once in while.  And, like last year, contrary to most people's opinion, I do indeed have a brain that is functional....I will leave it at that.

Verifying that I do indeed have a brain.

The hive is where it all happened.  The space was designed very deliberately to maximize our experiences. There were several areas for lounging, networking, working, watching presentations, eating, etc.  There were speaker meet-ups where you can have very in depth conversations with the speaker and other curious fellow delegates.

Another area was called the campfire where they served gourmet smores and had a vast array of topics to talk about about current and future trends in health care.

The attendees were medical students, PhD. students, biomedical engineers, heads of various prominent medical school departments, angel investors, artists, employees of tech, medical devices and marketing firms.  I was "wowed"by practically everyone I met. I was humbled my the creativity and intelligence of my fellow delegates.  I was inspired for their zest and zeal to change the world from their specific niche.  I met people from all over the world - US, Israel, Canada, UK, Australia, South America, Hong Kong, etc.

I WAS THE ONLY DENTIST.....too bad....I would encourage some of my fellow colleagues, (especially the thought leaders) to consider coming in the future.  I wasn't lonely, but I was the only dentist!

The over arching theme:  No matter what new technology is becoming available to better treat the patient's physical maladies, nothing can help a patient's psyche more than a healthcare professional (Physician, Nurse, Dentist, etc) that genuinely cares and connects with his/her patients on a human level.

Thanks to all the TEDMED-er's involved in putting on such an amazing experience and allowing me to attend once again!


If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Advocacy in Dentistry - ADA Storms Capitol Hill - Washington, DC

United States Capitol at Sunrise

I was honored to be part of a delegation that went to Washington DC to provide dental care advocacy on behalf of the Colorado Dental Association and the American Dental Association.  We had a chance to meet with most of our Colorado legislators in person and if they were unable to meet with us personally, they had their health care staff expert meet with us.

This year we had three issues to bring forth.  The first was a reform on student loans hoping to get a reduction in interest and an increased tax deduction.  This is for everyone with student loans, not just dentists.  An interesting stat - Americans collectively owe $1.1 trillion dollars in student loans, much of it subsidized by the government.  It is quickly approaching the amount of money that we owe China ($1.4 trillion).   Congressman Paul Gozar, DDS (R-AZ) calls this a bandaid, a good start - but not a comprehensive solution.  The cost to go to college/graduate school must evolve as it is unsustainable.  Dentistry is the costliest of the professions to train and it is not unheard of for a dental student to finish with a $500,000 student loan debt.  This is a 30 year mortgage, not a student loan.

The second issue we discussed was an ask for grant money to help start initiatives that will serve those in need.  These grants will help states with initiatives such as "Give Kids a Smile", "Missions of Mercy" and community coordinators that will help people find a dentist via emergency room referrals, nursing homes, schools, etc.  The legislators asked where is the money going to come from.  We call this designated grant money an investment, not a cost.

For example, in Colorado - we have an event called Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM). COMOM is a 2 day event where dental professionals set up a temporary dental clinic in a big way.  Over a thousand patients are treated for free over the course of the event.  All of us bring our own dental tools and supplies and treat what is needed.  The cost to put on a COMOM is $160,000.  The amount of dentistry given to the community over a $1,000,000. This is money that won't have to come from government benefits such as medicaid.  The next COMOM is in October in Henderson, CO.

The third issue was a letter initiated by Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (R-AZ) that we want our legislators to join in and sign.  This letter asked the Center for Medicaid and Medicare services to improve the fairness and transparency of Medicaid recovery auditors and their review process.  We believe that audits of medicaid providers should be done to catch providers trying to beat the system, but not on those that are doing their best to serve those in the community in need.

Currently, in some states, the process is "guilty until proven innocent" with very little opportunity for the provider to have any recourse to defend him/herself. It is difficult for dentists to want to join up to become medicaid providers when these type of audits are in place.

We also had a variety of speakers give us the current state of the political climate in Washington.  There is less than 40 legislative days left in session and due to stalemate political party posturing, they predict that very little legislation of any significance will get done.  Sad that this is the case.....

One of the best speakers was Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL).  He was preaching to the choir when he said that the Affordable Care Act cannot put a price tag on caring for our patients.  He predicts that the "commoditization of health care" is going to drive down the opportunity for us to truly care about our patients.  I am doing everything in my practice to not let this happen.  I hope my colleagues will too.

A big revelation was how important our political action committees (PAC's) are.  Both ADPAC (national) and CODPAC (Colorado) raise funds to advocate to keep dentistry a profession of relevance.  This year alone, these PAC's have allowed us to spend time with our legislators to explain our needs so we can provide the best dentistry and services to our communities that we serve.

Monday, April 21, 2014

"Up in Smoke" - The Marijuana Phenomenon....How is Dentistry Affected?

"Rocky Mountain High" has a new meaning...

As of January 1, 2014, the recreational use of marijuana became legal here in Colorado.  The "medicinal" use has been in place since 2002.  When Barack Obama became president, he openly said that he wouldn't make this a judicial priority. Pot shops started to "bud" up all over Colorado. They grew like "weeds".  It got a little out of hand.  Advertisements, crazy names and street sign shakers everywhere.  All vacant commercial real estate became pot shops.  To really put this into perspective, there are more pot shops in Denver than Starbucks.

(A video I took a few years ago of a guy toting a sign advertising $25 1/8th's on Colfax Avenue.  Sign toting has since become illegal for pot shops.)

Imagine, walking into a marijuana store and after perusing the dozens of strains, brands, edibles, etc - pulling out your cash and making a purchase. No need to look over your shoulder. You walk out, you go home and partake.  This is not a hallucination.  It is reality in Colorado.  (Buy stock in Frito-Lay now!)

Before it became legal for recreational use, I had been to many concerts at Red Rocks, an outdoor venue in Morrison, CO. At the start of every show, the rampant outbreak of "glaucoma" commenced and it seemed that the only cure had been to smoke dope.  These poor souls -all those years of suffering - buying tickets to their favorite artist and unable to see the stage due to their glaucoma.  No longer- with the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana, they can see clearly!

I say this with my tongue firmly in cheek.  I thought the medical "guise" was a sham as so few people truly had medical conditions that qualified.  If it was truly for medical use, why weren't pharmacists in charge of its distribution?  They are the only profession qualified to dispense legal drugs.

The recreational marijuana experiment is here to stay.  The State of Colorado is expected to generate over $100 million in tax revenues. If you are not from Colorado, take note, I predict that this phenomena is coming to your state soon.

Before I go any further - for full disclosure, my marijuana days are long over. Mind altering substances didn't agree with my preferred future. I voted against the legalization. Obviously, I was in the minority.  It is here to stay.  It is now as normal to smoke dope in Colorado as having a beer with friends.

I am not going to get into the social ramifications or discussions about the signs of the apocalypse.  I would like to open up the "doors of perception" in my profession and start the conversation.  

How does marijuana affect dentistry?

First of all, our patients use it.  Accept this fact.  A significant percentage always have. We need to ask them about their using habits.  This may seem strange and/or uncomfortable.  We need to know, so we can treat our patients appropriately. There are several risks and maybe even some benefits here. 

Potential Risks:

  • Smoking marijuana causes cancer.  I know, this is going to elicit all sorts of responses from the peanut gallery.  Bottom line, it has carcinogens in it that cause cancer.  When we do an oral cancer screening, we need to get over our fear and ask our patients.  We need to council and educate our patients with regards to the risks of use - Just as we do with alcohol.
  • Like tobacco, smoking marijuana is also a risk factor in periodontitis which is the leading cause for tooth loss these days.  I am sure that oral hygiene takes a back seat to vegging out on the couch listening to Pink Floyd. I also predict "higher" caries risk due to xerostomia, poor diet and lapses in oral hygiene. 
  • Very important point - just because it is legal, we dentists must practice dentistry SOBER!  This goes for the dentist and our staffs - all health care professionals included.  It has never been OK to go to lunch and knock back a few drinks then return for our afternoon patients. This is no different.  I know you say, "it helps with concentration" - Zero tolerance here! 
  • Marijuana use can lead to addiction.  We need to be skilled in communicating this fact to our patients as we do with alcohol and other drugs. There is a plethora of resources available to treat the disease of addiction. We need to be well versed in guiding those patients that need help towards recovery.

Potential Benefits:

  • Pot may be a viable pain management alternative to opiates.  This is empirical.  But it does relieve pain. Chronic pain is a criteria to get access to a medical marijuana card.  I haven't seen any studies or if even these sort of studies are possible due to marijuana being a Schedule 1 drug. Opiate abuse/addiction is at an epidemic level.  There were three times more opiate deaths than drunk driving deaths in Colorado last year.  Pot is addictive but probably not as addictive or dangerous as opiates. I am not saying that pot is not dangerous.  I don't think it is as dangerous.
  • Pot may be a viable anti-anxiety alternative to benzodiazepams.  I will bet that our patients have been smoking pot prior to dental appointments for decades.  Again, I'm not sure if any studies have been done (see above). Another criteria for a medical marijuana card is anxiety.  
I do not proclaim myself to be an expert here.  These are just my observations and predictions as a practitioner and a citizen in the State of Colorado.  There is a wide open frontier of possible opportunities and pitfalls with the legalization of marijuana. Hopefully we can stay ahead of the curve and help our patients as always in the best possible manner.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Friday, April 11, 2014

Is Dentistry a Commodity?

From 1991 - 1995, I went to dental school to learn my craft.  I found out that early on, that the scientific based classes came very easy for me as I was a biomedical engineer prior to dental school.  What didn't come so easy, was the artistic training that was required to be a dentist.  We had to learn how to create teeth out of wax, plastic, amalgam, composite, gold, porcelain, etc.

Looking back to grade school, I was the kid that got sent to the principle's office from art class for being disruptive.  I would do anything to not do art.  I was quickly slapped with reality when I struggled in these early training exercises in dental school.  I had no artistic skills!

I struggled so much that I was required to go to what I call "wax camp" during the summer after the first year of dental school. (Does the movie"The Breakfast Club" comes to mind?)

The other "campers" and I huddled around bunsen burners flames and honed our skills with one-on-one instruction from some very talented instructors.  One day, I don't know when or why, the switch flipped and my right brain connected with my left brain and I was able to wax up teeth at a proficiently high level.  As time went on, I became better and better at it.   In fact, I taught this very same class at University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine for 7 years.

So back to the question, is dentistry a commodity?

Dentistry is an imperfect blend of art and science.  It is not mass produced on a conveyer belt in a factory.  It is provided uniquely and personally to our patients.

A mentor and master of dentistry, L.D. Pankey once said, "I've never had a tooth walk into my office. It was always attached to someone.  Get to know that person, and I may get the opportunity to treat that person's teeth."  Words which I live by in my practice philosophy.  We treat people holistically - mind, body, spirit. You are not a set of teeth, you are a "whole" person.

So is dentistry a commodity?

Can a person go to a dentist and say that he needs a size 12 upper molar and the dentist picks one off the shelf and glues it in?  NO

Can a person go to a shoe store and ask the salesman to fit him in a size 12 shoe? YES

Can that person buy a size 12 shoe for $30, and a size 12 shoe for $300?  YES

Is that shoe store being chastised by community organizations for "gouging" its clients?  NO 

Why then do dentists get chastised by insurance companies for charging a fair price for their services provided uniquely to an individual?  Usually people (insurance agents) placing unfair judgements on things they have no experience with.

If a dentist charges more for a service than a patient values, the patient will not buy that service. Simple economics - supply and demand.

If a person sees a value in either price point for the shoe, he/she will buy that shoe.

The same thing goes in dentistry.  There are different levels of service and challenges in treating patients.  A more difficult procedure may cost more as the dentist to takes more time, care, judgement and skill to perform that procedure to the level of care that the patient expects.

And any patient has the right to put value on things important to them.

Most third party entities (insurance companies, government agencies, etc.) have been masterful at creating a "dentistry is a commodity" mindset to the consumers.

I am emphatically saying that it is not a commodity.  Dentistry is a blend of art and science executed with proper judgement and skill that only comes from our highly specialized training and experience.

There may come a day that one can choose a size 12 upper molar off the shelf -

Then again, there may not...

All this could be a moot point as clean teeth do not decay - AND - 95% of dental problems are preventable!

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

25 Things About Me

As my 46th birthday approaches, I decided to take a different approach to my usual rants here on my blog.

This was a facebook thing several years ago.  I retrieved my list from 2008 and updated it. It was a good reflection exercise for me.

Here are 25 things about me in no particular order -

1. I used to alter my mind with substances but found that it didn’t agree with my present or future plans…

2. I am inspired by positive changes in people, places and things...

3. Someone from my high school told me once that I when I grow up, I wouldn’t listen to heavy metal anymore….”F@%k -you old friend, I still do!”

4. My kids are exactly like my wife and I, and it is scary! We are raising our children Jewish…however, sometimes Sunday school interferes with our ski weekends and my mountain running “problem”…Sorry Rabbi Mo!

5. I love to run, bike, triathlon, snowshoe etc.… my favorite running partners over the years have been Gina, my Dad, my brothers and sisters, Gary Benson, Charlie Perez, Maggie Close, Liza Gualandi, John Stevens, Conrad LaPorte, Steven Griffith, Dave Lindeman, Brian Reick, all my Team-in-Training groups, my dog Kida and now Crosby.  Thinking back, Gary Benson has been sharing adventures with me for close to 25 years.

6. I love to run/play in the mountains. In fact, last fall I ran the Grand Canyon, South Rim to North Rim and back to the South Rim in less than 18 hours.  Other notable athletic accomplishments – Leadville 50 mile mountain bike race, mountain biked from Telluride to Moab, multiple marathons, trail marathons, and snowshoe marathons. (yes you read that right SNOWSHOE marathons)

Which segues nicely into….

7. My life is an adventure, just ask anyone!

8. I am a deeply spiritual person. I try to improve my faith every day. Sometimes I falter and my intentions don't align with my actions. I am human and there are lessons to be learned everyday….There is spirituality in imperfection.

9. I am excited to see so many friends that are on similar paths as I. I am proud to walk this path with all of you! You give me strength and hope when I cannot see it for myself.

10. I have an awesome dental practice, and an amazing team of people that I work with. (employees, patients, consultants, referring doctors, specialists, etc). I am proud of the lives that we impact through our dentistry. . I love being a dentist. I believe that the smile is the window to the soul. I do everything that I can to help my patients’ soul shine through.

11. Progressive music genre: “Complicated music for complicated people” – I think that Geoff Tate of Queensryche was speaking to me when he said that!

12. I would play guitar for a living if I thought it would support my lifestyle.

13. Two friends (Mike Ford and Pat Gibbons) died recently from complications of the flu.  Their lives were cut short, but their impact on the world was huge and their spirits carry on in so many lives that they touched.

14. My wife is a saint to put up with me on a daily basis!

15. I am glad to have reconnected with so many friends from the past on social media.  I am so happy for all of you who choose to share about your lives.  I hope to reconnect in person with you in our various travels.

16. The economy may not have a bright immediate future. However, our attitudes do, if we choose accordingly.

17. In October, 2007, I testified before the United States Congress on behalf of the American Dental Association. I was to explain to them about the ravages of methamphetamines on oral health. My true message was that there is a solution to the disease of addiction. Treatment works. Sometimes it may take a few times but it is the best solution going. And, it saves lives!

18. I am about to become the President of the Colorado Dental Association – I am nervous, excited, and amazed that any group of people would choose me to lead an organization.   I hope to leave the organization better than when I took it over.  I work with an amazing board and CDA staff that keep this train rolling in the right direction!

19. The best thing about being a father is that I get to live my childhood again through them. I am blessed to have a loving family to share their experience on how to do this thing! It is easy to father a child, it is an accomplishment to be a father.

20. Religious people are afraid to go to hell in the afterlife. Spiritual people have been to hell (here on earth) and don’t want to go back!

21. I have had many mentors in my life to which I am most grateful. They saw things in me that I couldn’t see in myself and then encouraged me to grow those gifts.  I try to pay it forward by mentoring others. Thanks to all of you, especially mom and dad....

22. My wife thinks that social media is weird but she is starting to warm up.

23. My dream house is in the mountains near a rolling, open meadow strewn with wildflowers and a stream running through it.

24. I played basketball in high school.  As a rebellious teenager, I began to hate it at the time. Looking back regretfully, I could have played at a higher level if I put the effort in.  Basketball has so many life lessons in it.  I took my son Max to the Coach K basketball camp two of the past three years.  Last spring, I reached out to my old basketball coach from high school (Ken Sartini). Over dinner we caught up on what had been going on in our lives the past 20 plus years.  I thanked him for being a great teacher and mentor to me.  I still talk to him often, what a gift!

25. One more….Chicago Cub’s, next year is now! Come on already!

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Organized Dentistry

The Colorado Dental Association is starting a public relations campaign to promote who we are and what we do.  For as long as I have been a member of organized dentistry, I have felt that we are the best-kept secret both to our members and to the patients who we serve.

                                       Click here to view the commercial

Why the PR campaign?

We are at a critical juncture.  There are many entities that are marketing their positions in the dental world.  As a result, dentistry is becoming a commodity and the general public doesn’t really know who to listen to with regards to oral health. 

In the near future, we will be updating the dental practice laws in Colorado.  We are positioning ourselves, once again where we belong, as the dental experts.

For years, we have not done much.  We dentists don't like to talk about ourselves.  Through our non-action, these entities have taken over the public's perception while we have been quiet.  

We are not going to be quiet anymore.  

What does it mean to be a member? 

By being part of organized dentistry, we are part of a bigger whole.  There is the local component - for me that is the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society.  There are several local components that all funnel into the state - the Colorado Dental Association -which I am currently President-Elect.  Every state has both state and local organizations.  We are all part of the national entity, the American Dental Association.  

This is who we are and this is what we stand for:

Our Colorado Dental Association core values:

Effective Leadership, 
Open Communication, 
Ethical Behavior, 
Moral Courage, 
Strong Advocacy, 
Fellowship, and 

Our Mission:

To provide the Colorado Dental Association membership and the public with superior service and to demonstrate effective leadership in advocacy, education, communication, and quality products and services that enhance member practices, professional growth, and patient care.

Dentistry, like all healthcare, is a profession in flux.  The delivery models are changing.  The business models are changing.  Access-to-care is expanding in Colorado. 

The one constant has been organized dentistry.  We have been around for over 100 years, preserving the integrity of the profession of dentistry.  The work that organized dentistry does today is to preserve the integrity of the profession.

Who would you like to be your dentist? 

Please choose one that is a member of organized dentistry.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Obamacare - How will it affect dentistry?

I was recently asked by a friend how do I think that the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) will affect dentistry.  This took some thinking on my part.

I have spent the past 5 years going to Washington DC to discuss dental care with our legislators. When the ACA was being discussed prior to becoming law, we did everything we could to get a seat at the discussion table to very little avail.

The year after the ACA was passed in Washington, we had a political pundit,  Dr. Frank Luntz ask us the question, "Are you happy with the results?"

No one could really answer because no one really knew or understood what was being thrust upon us as dental practitioners.

Frank's dad was a dentist.  As a child growing up, he recalled the animated stories his father would share about his patients. He was truly a caring practitioner. He loved the practice of dentistry, but he loved the relationship that he had with his patients even more.  Improving the health of the patients that he cherished is what he looked forward to every day that he practiced.  This is what I look forward to every day that I practice too.

Tragically, I see this style of practice on the decline.

From his personal experience, he went on to say that dentistry, as a profession, should be thrilled that it was basically left out of the ACA.  He reminded us that -

Dentistry is the last free market health care system that is working in this country.  

The reason - We keep the doctor patient relationship sacred. For more elaboration see my blog from July, 2011 The Sacred Cow.

In all aspects of health care there is trending consolidation of providers.  This means that private practices are joining up with hospitals or large groups called medical service organizations (MSO's). Included in these MSO's, hospitals are joining up with other hospitals and insurance companies to improve efficiency and improve access to information and resources.

As with any new paradigm, there will be some confusion from both sides of the fence as this takes affect.  All-in-all it should improve health care delivery as long as the doctor patient relationship is kept in the forefront. I hope that doctors are allowed to treat patients like they know best as opposed to management making decisions based on financial impact.

I expect many people to be upset at the changes from what they are used to with how they received health care in the past.  I also expect many people to be thrilled with the heath care that they are now eligible to receive.  The old adage comes to mind - "You can't please everyone, all the time".

There are many (including me) who are upset how the bill was passed and what was promised to the citizens.  I don't think that the legislators knew or could predict the extent of the problem at hand.  Therefore, they couldn't predictably fix the problem with the ACA bill.  What our legislators on both sides of the aisle knew was that our health care system needed to change.

The ACA is a start to solving the problems, it will evolve over time but it will never solve everyone's problems, expectations or needs.  We must accept this fact.  It will cost more and provide less than what we are used to.  We must accept this fact too.

I personally trust my physician to recommend the finest care to me.  Whatever he needs to do to evaluate my health, I expect him to recommend.  This should be in a "patient bill of rights".  I am cautiously optimistic that this style of practice will continue.

The insurance industry is the real winner in the ACA as they will have 48 million more people in the system that are now mandated to pay their premiums.  As a small business owner, I have seen my own health insurance premiums rise significantly over the last several years.  I predict that they will continue to rise as the ACA is implemented.

My predictions on how the ACA will affect the dental profession -
  Please note that these are my views and my views only.

In dentistry, we are seeing consolidation in a different form - through explosive growth in corporate dental service organizations (DSO's).  They seem to be sprouting up everywhere.  They provide a niche for people who are looking for low cost dentistry. This could be either good or bad depending on the perspective of the experience.  This practice model has been around for decades. They are a safety net -providing basic dental services (cleanings, fillings, crowns, dentures, partials, etc.)

I am hearing that these corporate dental organizations are recruiting heavily at the dental schools to attract new dentists to work for them.  Many new dentists are taking jobs with these firms as it is very difficult for them to find jobs elsewhere that satisfy their needs - such as make a decent living and paying off their student loans (average $250,000).

There will also be a rise in Federally Qualified Health Care facilities (FQHC's).  This is also a safety net capturing those patients that are lower income and have medicaid as a primary coverage.  These offices also provide basic dentistry similar to the DSO's.

Dental insurance - There are health insurance plans that offer dental benefits as an add on.  These plans are what I refer to as "skinny plans".  They offer the absolute basic dental services such as cleanings and exams.  I hope that these companies that are offering these plans are being honest to their clients about the limited extent of these plans.

If the reimbursement rates to the dentists are too low, dentists will not participate with these plans
- making it hard for patients to find dentists that take their insurance.

If the insurance companies drive the costs down through lower reimbursements, dentists will evolve their practice model to accommodate.  Please note that most dental offices are small businesses and provide dental care to the community that they serve while providing jobs to their support staff.  As with any small business, they must be profitable to remain viable.

I bring this up because there is a precedent of insurance companies cutting reimbursements to dentists in several states including: Washington, Missouri, Idaho, New Jersey, and Connecticut.  To show how volatile the relationship between dentists and insurance companies are see Washington Dentists vs. Delta Dental.  

Episodes like this don't make dentists happy.  Dentists want to provide a service to their community.  At the same time, we wish to keep our businesses viable with minimal third party interference and regulations that affect the "sacred cow" (doctor patient relationship).

With lower reimbursement rates, dentists must either see more patients per hour or cut costs. This could affect the practice in several ways including less time with the patient leading to a less personalized service. The dentist could also choose to use cheaper materials that may not last as long or be optimal for the situation as what he/she is currently using.  

If there are not enough providers to fill this void, a new dental provider model has been making dental headlines over the past few years.  This "Midlevel" provider will be able to do irreversible dental surgical procedures with minimal training - usually 2 years after high school.  This scares me, but as with anything, survival of the fittest.  If this provider model can provide the care that dentists and hygienists currently provide, they will stay, if not they won't.

Again, this is a slippery slope that will create a potential two tiered dental system with a significant percentage of the population receiving care that is from a provider that is seriously under-qualified to perform.

There is a 2.1% medical device tax. It hasn't been defined yet on what is going to be taxed.  My prediction is that anything fabricated by a lab (crown, denture, veneer, etc) will be subject to this tax.  I also predict that this cost will be passed along to the patient in some way.  When we brought this up to our legislators, they weren't sure yet on what was going to be taxed.  The term medical device is not spelled out in the bill.  As much as we tried, this tax isn't going away.

Expansion of medicaid coverage to children.  All plans must include dental benefits for children up to the age of 19 (including medicaid).  This will put millions more children in line to have access to dental care.  I predict there will initially be a shortage of dentists that can provide proper care for these kids.

Expansion of medicaid benefits to adults.  The ACA is encouraging the states to expand dental services to adults.  I predict again that there will initially be a dearth of dentists that take medicaid.  Medicaid reimburses at around 30% of what the dentist's usual fees are.  Plus, medicaid creates a plethora of extra paper work and reporting to get reimbursement.  Again, not an incentive for dentists to participate.  Some corporate models have already stepped into this niche and I expect several more to adapt into this niche as well.

One potentially good thing the ACA incorporated is an increased focus on healthy lifestyle, and prevention strategies.  We dentists have been doing this for the past 50 years.  Dentistry can help lead the charge here. The goal of dentistry involves optimization of health and function.  The removal of infection that could potentially spread to other parts or systems of the body is imperative for optimal health.  The ultimate function of teeth is to chew food.  The best way to maintain optimal health is to have proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle.  If you have no teeth, it is very difficult to get good nutrition.

Odds and Ends.  I hope that the ACA also consolidates the respect of all health care providers.  We all have an interdependent essential pieces of health care.  All health providers must learn to communicate better with each other and with our patients for the best interest to improve the delivery of healthcare to those that we serve.

Patient's responsibility. The ultimate responsibility of health lies on the citizen patient.  He/she must live a healthy lifestyle to remain healthy.  Many health problems are preventable. Many health problems are not preventable.  If the system is clogged with the health care problems of the preventable kind, there are not enough resources available to help those with the non-preventable kind.

With respect to dentistry - 
Clean teeth do not decay, most gum disease can be prevented with brushing and flossing! 

I welcome comments and perspectives on this.  I am no expert and would love to hear other opinions - especially if I am off base here.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Monday, October 7, 2013

Veneers, Veneers and More Veneers

A smile is the window to the soul.  
As a dentist, I do everything I can to help my patient's soul shine through.  

Smiles communicate happiness, pleasure and confidence.  Many of my patients who come to me for smile improvements, are happy people but self conscious and may not project their inner happiness as effectively as they would like.  This could affect any relationship that they are in whether it be personal or professional.

93% of all communications are non-verbal - of which body language including facial expressions are a large part of that.

A new improved smile is life-changing!

I'd like to share an example with you:

One of my patients moved to a new neighborhood.. She was slow to make new friends/acquaintances with her new neighbors.  She was perplexed by this as she had never had difficulty with making friends in the past. She had some dental issues that allowed us to have a conversation about her smile.  Once we improved her smile, she mentioned to me that people seemed more friendly to her.  A close friend told her that she didn't smile very much before and perhaps her new neighbors judged her as unfriendly. This brought tears to her eyes as she explained this to me.  She had no idea that she was hiding her smile.  Her new smile outwardly projects her inner beauty, happiness and confidence.

Here are some examples of  what can be done to improve smiles with veneers.

 Case 1: Before: Stained old restorations

After- Veneers and teethwhitening.
Case 2: Before - Worn front teeth from grinding

After - Four veneers, teeth whitening, and bite therapy to protect her new smile


Case 3: Before - stained, yellow teeth

After - Four veneers, whitening


Case 4: Before - Old restorations, improve smile

After: Four veneers, teeth whitening


Each case is carefully crafted to match the patient's facial structures, personality and function.  Before we start we have a discussion dedicated to help the patient identify their goals with their smiles.  The better we can identify these goals, the better we can create the smiles that he/she desires.

For more examples of smiles that we have created and lives that have changed, click on the link - Smiles

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Breaking Bad (teeth) - What Walter White and Other Meth Dealers Don't Tell You.

The popular and compelling television show "Breaking Bad" is coming to a close.  Since there is so much talk of the show and its main focus - the drug methamphetamine, I figured the timing was right to discuss the other side of the story.

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug similar to cocaine.  It's effect on the brain is instant and profound.  Addiction rates are high to those that use it.  Many users claim they became addicted the first time they tried the drug.

It destroys the lives of the user, the families, the communities, the environment, and the properties (houses, apartments and hotel rooms) where the users partake.

Advocacy entities such as the Meth Project have developed broad reaching prevention plans that have been extremely successful.  Their tagline "Not Even Once", their penetration into the communities, their television and radio ads send powerful messages that have worked in preventing a potential user from making the choice to use.  Please support this amazing organization.  Meth Project (

Addiction (to any drug, including methamphetamine) is a treatable disease.  There are many local resources.  If you are struggling with addiction or know someone that is, please take action.

The end result of untreated addiction is death.  

A great treatment resource is SAMSHA.  This is a government organization whose mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities. (Samsha)

As a dentist, I have seen my fair share of "meth mouth".  It is a phenomena that is illustrated by massive destruction of teeth.  It is usually caused by the smoking of the drug.  The ingredients that are used in the manufacturing of the drug (muriatic acid, battery acid, drano, psuedophedrine, phosphorous, lye, drano, etc.) literally melt the teeth away when they come into contact with the smoke.  It happens quickly (usually within a few months) and the damage is irreversible.

Figure 1- Close up of "meth mouth"

It is very difficult to do traditional cosmetic dentistry (such as veneers) on teeth that present in this way.  Usually full mouth extraction and dentures are required to give these patients the ability to function and to look presentable once again.

In my experience, dentists can really make a difference in the lives of these patients.  Once sober and motivated, re-creating the smile is very impactful to early recovery, self esteem, and the integration back into being productive members of our communities.

Figure 2- Before and after of the same patient who had meth mouth  Full mouth extraction and dentures were fabricated.
Walter White and the entire cast of "Breaking Bad" have made for engaging television, but the brutal reality of meth addiction is virtually invisible on the show.  Fans of the show have a connection to Walter, Jesse, their families and those close to them.  When I take a moment to reflect on the other (real) side of this drama, it is hard not to think of those patients and their families I've treated in the past.  

Meth is a Bad Drug...

If you are someone with a history of substance abuse, I have a great deal of experience treating dental patients with this problem once the addiction is treated and arrested.  I congratulate you on your recovery. Please take note that I am not a free clinic and do not have resources to give away free dentistry to you. I love the impact that cosmetic dentistry has on the lives of my patients.  This type of work is very difficult and it comes with a cost to maintain the viability of my business. If you are interested in becoming part of our community of patients, I would be happy to treat you as a regular paying client.  

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Most Influential Person in the History of Dentistry - was not a dentist!

I found out about this in the most surprising way.  I was reading the book The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg and I was introduced to Claude Hopkins.  He is considered the most influential man in dentistry.  Ironically, he was a marketer, not a dentist.  He was considered one of the most influential marketing experts of his time as well.

How was he the most influential person in the history of dentistry?  His marketing campaign helped to create the habit of daily toothbrushing.

In the early 1900's, tooth decay was rampant in America.  It was so bad that it had become an issue of national security.  There were so many WWI recruits with oral infections that they were hampered in pain and could not perform on the battlefield.

Claude Hopkins was approached by an old friend about a new dentifrice (toothpaste) called Pepsodent.  At the time, tooth powders were peddled door to door by traveling salesmen.  Hopkins quickly declined the offer to promote this toothpaste.  It was a losing battle as less than 7% of the population in the United States had an actual toothbrush in their medicine cabinets.

It was not part of our daily routine at the time.  Why would people use toothpaste, if they didn't even use a toothbrush?

The Pepsodent people, quite confident in their product, were persistent with Hopkins and eventually he agreed to take on the marketing campaign.

As Hopkins dove into the (boring) dental scientific literature of the time, he stumbled upon a description of the "mucinous plaque" that forms on teeth.  This film, he found out was the root of all dental troubles.  This is where the bacteria was that caused the tooth decay and gum disease.

Ironically, it was easily removed through normal toothbrushing without the use of any toothpaste. He ignored this fact and exploited the horrible "film" that destroyed teeth and ruined smiles.

Figure 1 - Pepsodent ad from 1929 describing the call to action 

Actual Pepsodent Advertisements

His marketing campaign was brilliant.  He created a cue, "Rub your tongue across your teeth and you will feel this film."  He then went on to say that this film must be removed each day.

He also appealed to the self esteem of the population - He implied that having a nice smile is a crucial part in being beautiful and attractive.

By creating a daily cue (rub tongue across teeth), encouraging repetition (the film must be removed daily) and establishing a reward (beautiful smile) - he helped create a national habit of daily oral hygiene using toothbrushes and pepsodent.

Through this marketing campaign, the people in the US that had toothbrushes and actually used them soared to 65% within 10 years.

If he was still alive, I wonder how he could create an ad campaign for flossing everyday too.

The dental profession hasn't figured out how to appeal to the emotions around flossing.  We all know the logic behind it, but to create this habit, we need to appeal to the emotional side of the communities that we serve.

On a side note, I just have to say:
clean teeth do not decay.....

Another side note that I learned at TEDMED last spring:

 More people in the world have smart phones than have toothbrushes......


If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can do it the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cracked Tooth - Ouch!

My friend Dr. Alan Mead - a dentist in Michigan wrote a very informative blog about cracks in teeth a while back.

As a dentist, I see cracks in teeth everyday.  After personally experiencing teeth breaking around old fillings, I find myself sharing how painful it was and how it always seemed to happen at inopportune times.

There are two factors that if addressed properly, can pretty much ensure that you can predictably keep your teeth:

The first is health - we emphasize brushing and flossing.  Clean teeth do not get cavities and minimizes the chance of gum disease.

The second is function.  If you are putting too much force on a tooth - something is going to give once that threshold has been exceeded.

The functional threshold of one of my patient's tooth was exceeded this week. Here is her story -

She presented with EXTREME pain that began suddenly while eating dinner the night before.

I looked at her tooth and saw a fracture on her lower right molar. The fractured part of the tooth was still present and when anything touched it, the segment would move and it sent her into writing agony.  The tooth has a well placed conservative filling.  I would put this tooth at low risk for a fracture if she presented for a routine exam.  The radiograph that we took was inconclusive for a fracture or any other infection.

Figure 1 -(Tooth #30) fracture noted on left side of tooth extending along the filling through the middle of the lower (lingual) wall.  It is slightly brown colored along the filling.

We discussed her options: Remove the fractured portion of the tooth and determine if it was restorable. It would need at very least a foundation build-up and a crown.  I informed her of the potential additional need for a root canal or a possible extraction.

We attempted to get her numb but was unsuccessful due to the acute problem.  Sometimes a tooth is so "hot" (or inflamed) anesthetic doesn't work. When this happens, I get more confident that root canal therapy is indicated.

We referred her over to Dr. Rahim Karmali, a root canal specialist here in Denver, who then did an evaluation that included a three dimensional - CT scan of the tooth.

Figure 2: CT scan clearly illustrating the extent of the fracture.

Figure 3 - Sagital view - fracture down to the boney crest

Figure 4 - Shows the fracture extending on the root surface

The technology that is available to us allows us to better predict the restorability of teeth.

It was obvious to Dr. Karmali, myself and the patient, that this tooth, unfortunately, was not restorable.

So as I mentioned previously that I see cracks in teeth everyday.  I am proactive when I see these fractures and tell and show my patients what I see and give options to fix the situation.

When my patient asks me how long before this tooth needs to be fixed.  I will reply with the words of my good friend Dr. Mead, 

"I recommend that you fix it the day before it breaks!"  

I also share this unfortunate experience and hope that it doesn't happen to your tooth...