Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My Social Media Manifesto

My Social Media Manifesto:

For me, social media is a place where I can document my experiences, my thoughts and my feelings.  It is deeply personal to me.  Over the years, it has been a public digital journal documenting the timeline of amazing memories in my life and the lives of those around me.  I share my thoughts and inspirations in the spirit that someone I'm connected to will resonate with them in some unique way.  

I spend my time on social media and join pages/groups that inspire me.  (Yes, I can sometimes be guilty of endless scrolling, too).  If a page/group doesn't inspire me, I will leave.  

In my leadership role, I am sometimes a target for trollers. I expect it.  I've been called bad names, my motives have been questioned, and I've been verbally attacked by people I know and by people I have never met or spoken to.  Some people think I "owe" them favors and spread false vitriole about me when they don't get their unreasonable demands granted.  I've been threatened with lawsuits.   

It's actually pretty funny to me.  People will say things on SM that they would never say to my face.  Keyboard courage, I guess. 

To protect myself, I block them!  

When I look at the list of goals I want to accomplish, appeasing these trolls didn’t make the list.  

I engage in respectful debate with people of differing viewpoints. As soon as I see it getting repetitive or disrespectful, I disengage.  So I block out the noise.  I don’t live here on social media, so I may not respond instantly.  

I come out of the "land of make-believe" and focus on accomplishing the goals I set.  I'm very busy in the real world doing real things.  There are ways to create impactful change.  Screaming in a vacuum doesn't work for me.  

I've worked really hard to become the person I am. I'm perfectly imperfect. I'm doing my best to make the most out of each day and seize the opportunities to make this world a better place. My "why"- I am a catalyst for positive change in the world.  

I've been shown amazing support and love from so many people near and far. I appreciate all of you! I hope I'm doing my part in supporting you with my contributions here while making it a safe and enjoyable "virtual neighborhood." 

I wish to keep SM an opportunity to spread and receive inspiration.   I hope this resonates with you!

#theadventurecontinues #anythingispossible #sober #ADAPresidentelect #ADAchangemaker @americandentalassociation #oralhealthishealth #ultrAspire #inspiredbyAthletes

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