Thursday, December 4, 2014

Who is John Galt? How Corporate Dental Offices are Disrupting the Status Quo.

Who is John Galt?
Disruptors in Dentistry
By Brett Kessler, D.D.S., CDA President

"I started my life with a single absolute
That the world was mine to shape in the image of my highest values
And never to be given up to a lesser standard, no matter how long or hard the struggle" Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Disruptors are innovators.  They are businesses that shift a mindset of how consumers think, purchase, etc. – thereby challenging established businesses.

Harvard Business School professor and disruption guru Clayton Christensen says that a disruptor displaces an existing market, industry, or technology, and produces something new and more efficient and worthwhile. It is both destructive and creative.

Some examples of disruptors are companies like Apple, Netflix, Amazon, and Uber.

I identify Apple not for the computers that it builds, but for another niche that it took over – music and listening device sales.  iPods, iPhones and iTunes have changed how we buy and listen to music. There are hardly any CD stores remaining other than those that sell used discs.  When I grew up, I would buy records.  The cover art would attract me to give new bands a listen.  I judged the band by entire albums that it recorded.  Today, we buy songs, not albums. They are instantly downloaded onto our computers.  No waiting in lines; no browsing through tedious shelves of records/CD’s.

We create playlists with the drag of a mouse.  We use auto shuffle and the “genius” feature to create our own personal radio stations. They connect to our cars, our phones, our tablets and all are stored on our computers.  CD players are becoming a thing of the past.  Music is stored on hard drives, flash drives, iPods, etc.

Netflix took how we rent movies to a new level.  For a low monthly fee, we can have unlimited movies shipped to our house – hassle free – or immediately available to view on our computer or smart TV’s through an internet connection.  Blockbuster used to charge late fees, “you-didn’t-rewind-the-VHS” fees, etc.  I dreaded having to pay this fine. The buying experience was a hassle and expensive.  Netflix is easy, customized to my preferences and instant. Are there even any Blockbuster stores left?

Amazon capitalized on the fact that a book is still readable after it had been read, music is still listenable after it had been listened to, and anything should be able to be purchased on the internet easily!  They created a personalized buying experience based on your browsing and buying habits.  It greatly affected the big chain bookstores like Borders or Barnes & Noble.  It also helps you find the lowest price for a commodity and they deliver it right to your door.  If it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for, ship it back.  Hassle-free!

Lastly, Uber is putting a huge dent in the taxi business. With Uber, you can press a button on your phone app and a nice clean car will be at your location within 15 minutes. Taxi’s get to you when they get to you and the entire cab experience pretty much stinks!

All of these disruptors have innovated, streamlined and penetrated market share. They have challenged and even ruined wildly successful businesses, while reinventing the delivery of these services.  They have changed the consumer’s mindset and changed the paradigm on how these services should be purchased, used and consumed.  The consumer experience is exactly the way the consumer prefers.  We (the consumers) wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another commonality of these disruptors is that they didn’t just enter the marketplace and were welcomed with opened arms.  The status quo or “established” business model was not happy and tried to stop them.

In reality, the status quo was asleep at the wheel. They were lazy and arrogant. They felt they were too big to fail. Those established business models that survived disruption evolved their business models to better serve their consumers.

The question, “Who is John Galt?” comes to mind from Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged.” John Galt represents creativeness and innovation.  In the book, the status quo was constantly putting up barriers to protect its own interests in how things always have been done.

The status quo must constantly channel its inner John Galt if it wishes to remain relevant to the people it serves.

There are disruptors popping up in every niche of business, and dentistry is definitely not immune. 

Large Group Practices, better known as Dental Support Organizations, are delivering dental services cheaper, quicker and more efficient than the typical private practice. A Dental Support Organization takes care of all of the business aspects for the dentist – the billing, HR, marketing, equipment, materials, etc. 

They are aggressively growing around the country.  They are aggressively hiring new dentists.  They are aggressively advertising their services.  They have created a niche for themselves and continue to attract patients.  Some may say that they haven’t perfected the consistent customer experience yet, but at some point, this too will change.

As in private practice there are good practitioners and those who could use a little nudge to “up their game.”  The reality with the Dental Support Organizations is that they are being judged by the lowest common denominator.  For every bad patient experience, the entire organization’s reputation takes a hit. If these companies are going to take their disruption to the next level, they need to shore up some of the weaker links in their organizations.  Trust me; they are aggressively evolving their internal practices to do just this. 

I recently attended a forum on Dental Support Organizations. DSO’s are growing 15-20% per year with over 7000 dentists employed, it was illustrated that the trend in healthcare is moving toward consolidation.  Consolidation breeds efficiency, in theory.  If you look around, there are very few privately owned pharmacies; there are very few private physician offices.  They have all been engulfed by corporate entities that manage the business side of the practices. Has it improved healthcare? I’ll leave that for the reader to decide. 

Many of us in private practice (the status quo) are complaining.  Of course, it’s only natural.  The realities are, however, if the private practitioners aren’t evolving their games, they will soon be wondering where their patients have gone. Maybe some of us already are!

Graduating dental students are being hired in droves by these practices.  I asked a recent graduate who was working for a Dental Support Organization what his favorite part was about working in this environment?  He answered that he has mentorship and professional networking instantly available to him.  He admitted he gives up some of his autonomy, but implied that no job is 100% perfect.  I would agree with that statement in private practice too.  There are parts of my day that I don’t look forward to doing (usually administrative) as well. 

Most of these dentists are not joining organized dentistry.  Why?  The most common response: they are made to feel “less than” for working for those companies. 

This must stop.  We (organized dentistry) are being judged by this fact, just as some may be judging those who work for entities different than private practice. The Colorado Dental Association is charged with advancing oral health in our state.  The DSO’s in Colorado are helping us achieve this.  They are just doing it differently than the “status quo”.

We need to be much better at welcoming our colleagues.  They are working the best that they can with the opportunities that are presented to them.  I always remind young dentists to keep the patient’s best interest as their main focus.  We have a must maintain our code of ethics as a profession.

The Association of Dental Support Organizations ( has emerged to help set standards for it’s members and is looking to ensure that ethical practices are in place.

Evolution is the survival of the fittest.  Those who can adapt and create change will evolve into the new paradigm, and address the needs and desires of the consumers.

The status quo does not exist indefinitely.  It will constantly be challenged.

“Who is John Galt?”

Disclaimer: I am not passing judgment on these disruptors mentioned in this article.  I am just sharing my observations and thoughts.  I may or may not subscribe philosophically with various paradigm shifts occurring in the dental marketplace.  Each serves a niche that is attractive to various people.  That is why they are growing/gaining the market share and shifting the perceptions of the consumers. When I mention “organized dentistry” I mean ADA, state associations and its components.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Inalienable Rights

The Statue of Liberty stands proudly in New York Harbor. It stands as the universal symbol of freedom and democracy. This symbol stands for what makes our country great.

I love the practice of dentistry. I love the freedom that it offers us.

We have the freedom to cooperatively treat our patients, helping them achieve their goals in a predictable and satisfying manner. Patients are free to choose to go to any dentist they like. Dentists are free to choose to treat anyone they like and do any procedures that they like and vice- versa. As a result of these freedoms, we are an example of a free-market healthcare system that works.

Our professional autonomy (freedom), however, isn’t free. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” The values of the profession must be actively upheld by us — the practicing dentists. If we are not diligent and stand for what is best for our patients, our profession will no longer be autonomous.

Author Peter Drucker said in the ’70s, “Those that are content to rise with the rising tide will also fall with it.” And when it falls, if we did nothing to better and preserve our work, we have no right to complain. In other words, if we are passively riding the waves, we will have no choice but to accept our fate when the wave crashes.

We are responsible to serve the needs of our communities. We have an obligation to stand up for the individuality of our practice philosophies. Our uniqueness is what makes our practices special and attractive to our patients. We cannot let outside entities influence our standards, our ethics and our decisions. We do what is best for our patients because it is in their best interest.

This past year, Colorado has introduced an adult Medicaid benefit to our state. They have allocated over $100 million to provide these services to those who are eligible. It is estimated that over 300,000 adults are now eligible for this benefit. The CDA worked closely with legislators and the governor’s office to create this benefit. As dentists, we directly witness the impact that dentistry has on those who need it.

We improve oral and overall health, we restore function, and we provide smiles.

We continue to fight hard to shape the benefits and make sure that our communities have access to our finest care. Our communities need Medic- aid providers to serve this need. We understand that the system is a work in progress, and are working daily on your behalf to address concerns to help the system run much smoother in coming weeks and months.
At the same time, we have the responsibility to provide care to Medicaid patients. Currently, there is extensive discussion among policy- makers and the public regarding gaps in Colorado’s dental health. If we are to make the case to the public that qualified dentists are the answer to access concerns, then it is incumbent on our profession to step up to the plate.

The fate of our profession is in our hands. “With freedom comes responsibility.”
Author Jim Collins wrote, “No matter how much the world changes, people still have a fundamental need for guiding values and sense of purpose that give their life and work meaning. They have a fundamental need for connection to other people, sharing with them the common bond of beliefs and aspirations. They have a desperate need for a guiding philosophy. More than any time in the past, people will demand operating autonomy - freedom plus responsibility - and will simultaneously demand that the organizations of which they are a part of stand for something.” We take this statement seriously.

What does the Colorado Dental Association stand for? The CDA is advancing oral healthcare to our communities — in the best way possible. It is here to support its members so we can provide the best, most appropriate dentistry to our patients.

Recently, the Colorado Dental Political Action Committee (CODPAC) met with 40 state legislators and candidates individually. It was an extensive task that involved hundreds of volunteer hours and immense coordination. The purpose of this endeavor was to further our relationships with key influencers, educate the legislators on our issues, and then strategize our legislative agenda.

We sent them information about key legislative priorities and our objective to make it as easy as possible for dentists to deliver the best possible care to our communities. We dialogued about possible solutions regarding these subjects: increasing Medicaid reimbursements, improving student loan forgiveness programs, dental insurance reform and preventing the introduction of a new mid- level dental provider in our state.

The legislators seemed genuinely impressed with our ideas, our passion and our mission.

The hard work that we have been doing over the past several years resulted in several congratulatory statements of support by the legislators. Respect for our profession has greatly improved. Today legislators look at us as experts to help guide and shape policy around oral health and oral health care delivery. But if we don’t fulfill our obligations, our influence will be gone.

Thank you to our CODPAC colleagues representing us. Thank you to our members for contributing to CODPAC and the American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC). These dollars are the best investment that you can make to preserve the freedom that we have. Please tell your communities how important it is to get involved either with monetary or voluntary contributions. Remember, we all must do our part in giving to the profession.
On the west coast there is a proposal to build another statue. This one is being called the statue of responsibility (

It will symbolize this notion that freedom isn’t free. We are responsible for setting the standard and delivering the finest oral healthcare in this state. We take this seriously and by our actions, we will continue to enjoy our freedoms.

If you would like to make a donation to CODPAC/ADPAC please contact the CDA at or 303-740- 6900 or 800-343-3010.

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Saturday, September 13, 2014


For the second year in a row, I attended the TEDMED conference.  TEDMED is a corner of the infinite TED universe specifically focused on innovation in health care. 

Innovation is much too small of a word to describe what TEDMED is.

They try to introduce it on their website ("TEDMED is a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine. Our goal is to seed the innovations of today, making possible the breakthroughs of tomorrow...for a healthier, more vibrant humanity." 

But even this is incomplete.  One must experience it to understand.

To attend, one must go through an application process.  TEDMED is always searching for the proper mix of delegates that will be allow for stimulating networking and friendships to be made.  This year the event was hosted in two cities, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.  I chose the latter.

There were 80 presenters, 2000+ delegates, 80 start up companies from various sectors of health.  This year's theme was "Unlocking Imagination".

240 page conference program

The presentations were thought provoking and expertly delivered in the classic TED style.  If you have ever seen a TED "talk", you know where I am coming from.

They shared how they were improving the design of hospitals to improve both the health of the patients and the communities they serve by leaving no footprint.  One was looking at diseases in different ways - for example, What role does childhood trauma play in all future diseases?

They challenged our paradigms at every turn. For example, legalization and government compensation for the harvesting of organs to reduce black market activity while saving lives.

They inspired us with virtual reality games to reduce pain in patients.  They gave us a glimpse of a new plastic that amorphically changes shape via electric manipulation to be used in cardiac catheterization.

One speaker was collecting voice samples to "donate" to people (kids and adults) who cannot talk - thereby giving them a voice and a personality.

Several bioethicists asked an uncomfortable audience on how messages to the public about drug use should be altered drastically.  One asked, should doctors be totally transparent? While another shared courageously about physician assisted death or discussed the ethics of genome mapping to tell our future propensity to disease.

My favorite speaker was Abraham Vergehese.  He is the author of several books including NY Times bestseller "Cutting For Stone".  I had the opportunity to meet him afterwards and have him sign a book that I read in 1999 titled, "The Tennis Partner".  I told him how important that book was to me and charged me with the impetus to live each day to the fullest.

After sharing life stories for a bit, he signed my book with the last line from the narrative, "...Get the ball back over the net just one more time."  (never give up!).  He gave me a hug and told me that I made his day (how cool!?!?!?!).

Abraham Verghese and I at TEDMED 2014

The "convention floor" is known as the hive.  The hive is always buzzing with activities.  The start up companies are all there on display with things to play with.  Of course, I had to go to the obligatory brainwave activity detector to verify that the old neurons are still sparking once in while.  And, like last year, contrary to most people's opinion, I do indeed have a brain that is functional....I will leave it at that.

Verifying that I do indeed have a brain.

The hive is where it all happened.  The space was designed very deliberately to maximize our experiences. There were several areas for lounging, networking, working, watching presentations, eating, etc.  There were speaker meet-ups where you can have very in depth conversations with the speaker and other curious fellow delegates.

Another area was called the campfire where they served gourmet smores and had a vast array of topics to talk about about current and future trends in health care.

The attendees were medical students, PhD. students, biomedical engineers, heads of various prominent medical school departments, angel investors, artists, employees of tech, medical devices and marketing firms.  I was "wowed"by practically everyone I met. I was humbled my the creativity and intelligence of my fellow delegates.  I was inspired for their zest and zeal to change the world from their specific niche.  I met people from all over the world - US, Israel, Canada, UK, Australia, South America, Hong Kong, etc.

I WAS THE ONLY DENTIST.....too bad....I would encourage some of my fellow colleagues, (especially the thought leaders) to consider coming in the future.  I wasn't lonely, but I was the only dentist!

The over arching theme:  No matter what new technology is becoming available to better treat the patient's physical maladies, nothing can help a patient's psyche more than a healthcare professional (Physician, Nurse, Dentist, etc) that genuinely cares and connects with his/her patients on a human level.

Thanks to all the TEDMED-er's involved in putting on such an amazing experience and allowing me to attend once again!


If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What will your verse be?

Robin Williams's death is a tragedy that has rocked my world.  I didn't realize how much he affected my life until I look at all the movies/tv shows/appearances that he was in.  

In "Dead Poet's Society", he challenges his students by asking the question,  "What will your verse be?"

A question of epic proportion.  Imagine being in his class posed with this question.  

What would your verse be?  What are you passionate about? How will you impact the world?  

Ironically the character that Professor Keating (Robin Williams) inspires most, Neil, commits suicide too.  He takes a chance and follows his dream, parents are unimpressed and pressures him away form his passionate path and he sees no other option but to die.  

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. More tragic irony spoken by Robin Williams - 

My wife said to me this morning, "It is so unfortunate that people who struggle with addiction and depression cannot see how much their world around them love them"

So true....

I know many dentists and friends that have chosen to quit the fight.  Their demons, like Robin's, finally got the best of them.  Robbing them of the opportunity to see the light in their lives. Robbing their family and friends of what could have been.  

Today I shed a tear for Robin Williams; I am grateful for his verse; his impact on me and the world.  

The court jester is back with his maker; making heaven's souls laugh hysterically as he did for us.

Thomas Crum suggests:

"What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine that you are a masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath."

I believe that everyone has gifts that are completely unique.  Our purpose is to explore/grow those gifts and share those gifts with the world.

Everyday is a gift; I choose to treat it accordingly....

If you like this blog post, I would love to hear about it.  Please comment or share it on Google+, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc.  If you are looking for a dentist in the Denver area, we are always looking for new patients.  Please visit our website or like our facebook page,  Or you can contact us  the old fashion way - call us at 303-321-4445.

Thanks for reading!  BK