Monday, July 4, 2011

What do you stand for?

My family and I are in Durham, NC. My son Max (9 years old) is attending the Coach K Duke Basketball Camp. As a life-long fan of college basketball, this week has definitely been an amazing experience for me. I am sure Max is having a great time as well. No one epitomizes the game of basketball better than Coach Mike Kryzyzewski. Year after year, he puts out a team that is ranked in the top echelon of the NCAA. To my knowledge, there has never been any questions about NCAA violations or controversy. They have a consistently high graduation rate at one of the finest schools in the country. (There was a problem with the Lacrosse team a few years back, but that was determined to be unfounded.)

How does he (Coach K) do it?

The top rated high school basketball players can join the pro's after one year of college. And believe me, they are going pro!

If I was offered millions of dollars to become a dentist before I graduated, I would have done it in a heartbeat. I most likely would have finished my degree in the evenings, but I would have gone question.

With this in mind, it is harder to recruit the top players. It is harder to develop the talent. It is harder to have the players gel as a team in this era. But, every year, Coach K is in the running.

I have read several books written by the Coach. He is definitely a man that knows who he is and what he stands for. In fact, it is posted outside Cameron Indoor Stadium (Duke's modest basketball arena)...I was so astounded, I had to photograph them. They not only know who they are and what they stand for, they publicize it!

My friend, and spiritual guide Russ always reminds me, "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything." He challenges me to live in integrity. My actions must match my intentions. And my intentions must be in line with my core values.

Bob Frazer, DDS reminds me that "An organization without a clear vision is at the mercy of every changing wind and knows not for what port it is making. Therefore is not likely to achieve greatness, perhaps not even survive long term. Or as proverbs says - "Where there is no vision the people perish."

The Duke Athletic Department stands for Sportsmanship, Loyalty, Diversity, Commitment, Excellence, and Respect. These are what I would refer to as their Core Values.

Core values are your moral compass. When you are actively living your core values, your life is harmonious. You are true to yourself. You are who you are, and that's who you are.

Though my own personal work, I discovered who I am and what I stand for. My core values are courage, family, integrity, humanity and humility.

Core values do not waiver. They will always be there. Even if it puts me at a competitive disadvantage. I am who I am and that's who I am.

Our business also has core values - They are the same as my personal core values. I cannot pretend to be someone else while at work.

On this Fourth of July, I think it would be appropriate to explore the core values of our esteemed country, as written in the Declaration of Independence -

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

This document still inspires millions of people around the world today!

When I was deciding about joining the Colorado Dental Association's (CDA) Executive Board, Bob Frazer, DDS, encouraged me to explore my core values and see if it is in line with the core values of the CDA. That made it an easy decision. I now encourage the board to explore our core values with every decision that we make. As I said, it is the moral compass. This is who we are, this is what we stand for.

Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"encourages his readers in habits 1 and 2 to - Be Proactive, and Begin with the end in mind. He is talking about finding out who you are and what you stand for. If you can figure that out, you are well on your way to living a successful and purposeful life.

Who are you and what do you stand for? As Russ says, "if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything."

On a side note, I don't know if my son will ever be skilled enough to play basketball at Duke. I do want to impart on him the values that forge a successful life. Who better to learn from than Coach K!

And, just in case you are wondering, neither Gina or I went to Duke University...but we are absolutely awestruck by the campus.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This past weekend was the Annual Session for the Colorado Dental Association - the first for me as Treasurer. I was charged with presenting a budget to the House of Delegates (HOD), the organizations governing body. Questions were asked and the debate was on. The budget passed unanimously with a small dues increase.

Several colleagues came up to me after the session and said that I handled myself quite well under attack and duress. I was shocked that this debate had the perception of me being under attack. I felt the questions were appropriate, well thought out and respectful. I actually welcomed it.

One week prior to the HOD, I'll admit, I was a complete nervous wreck. My perfectionism kicked in and at all costs, I was going to be prepared to push my agenda.

I belong to a national study club facilitated by Dr. Bob Frazer ( It consists of several dentists from around the country. It's focus is to help us grow as leaders, dentists and most importantly, as humans. I posted my fears about the upcoming week. Immediately I received words of encouragement! Some snippets from those letters....

"We need organized dentistry to keep us free to practice the way we want to, to keep the government out of our offices. My personal feelings are that they have become completely irrelevant to the young dentists and to many of the old guard."

"In the short time that I have known you, I have learned that you are a person who takes his responsibilities seriously so I understand your trepidation. I have also learned that you are a person who is committed to doing that which is right. You have overcome some great obstacles in your life. Compared to that and being a husband, father, friend and dentist this job will be easier. You have been entrusted with an important job, no doubt, but you are more than capable! The CDA is lucky to have you!"

"Courage.....that is what I think of when I think of you, Brett. How else could one be where you are at (spiritually, family, practice, friends) and not have that quality in abundance? Prepare well for Friday (as I know you will/have) and be authentic. People in an audience respond in many ways like they do in person."

"When you are authentic and transparent those who matter will respect you for it, even when they disagree. Always listen intensely. Ask yourself do I understand - not do I agree - that comes later.
If you chose to respond then restate what you believe you heard without judgment and as accurately as possible. Once you've heard them accurately, you can respond and stand a far better chance of being heard."

"Remember all you've learned in your own personal inner work as well as experiences like ASP. An organization without a clear vision is at the mercy of every changing wind and knows not for what port it is making. Therefore is not likely to achieve greatness, perhaps not even survive long term. Or as proverbs says - "Where there is no vision the people perish.""

These are people that have no attachment to any of the issues, just there to support me to be the best that I can be.

My most favorite quote was: "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing". That is how I kept centered under what others perceived to be a pressure filled situation.

This is what mentorship does for me. There are countless people in my life that saw/see something in me that I don't see in myself. They encourage me to grow. I am completely limited by my self. When I have people in my life that are cheering me on to do better, it gives me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and grow without limits.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but having the faith to walk through the fear.

Who are your mentors in your life?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Opportunity in the Health Insurance Crisis

There's no two ways about it – health insurance coverage in America today leaves a lot to be desired.

But it’s really an opportunity. Whether you are uncovered, under-covered or surprised by what treatments aren’t covered, three key advantages remain:

1) Tax-free treatment. Ask your employer about setting up a flexible spending account. This program lets you stash away a little bit of your pay with each check. It’s automatically deducted so you won’t even miss it. That accumulating cash can be used for a variety of medical expenses – even those that aren’t covered by insurance. The best part: those dollars are all yours – tax-free.

2) Choose who’s right for you. Since you’re not limited to the short list of practitioners that would be covered by an insurance policy, that leaves a lot of options open to you. Ask for referrals and see the doctor you really want to see. When you collaborate with a healthcare professional that you really click with, your health benefits truly improve.

3) Pay what you can pay. Most practitioners offer flexible payment plans. Maybe you pay for a single treatment in several installments or pay for ongoing treatments as they are performed rather than up front. Some doctors even partner with outside financing companies that offer more sophisticated payment options. If you are able to pay in full before your treatment, request a pre-pay discount.

What are you waiting for? Get that ache checked out, that spot looked at, that cosmetic dream realized. Go ahead and set up the appointment you’ve been meaning to – now’s the time to do it!